Monday 10 February 2014

Room 4's ipads

We are excited to be using our electronics devices. We worked in small groups to find an answer to a question about our topic. We participated and worked together, to research, and come to a conclusion about the findings, one example being from Aria, Ally, Jessie and Ashlyn.

How  fast do bees fly?
Bees can fly up  to 20 miles but because they are usually carrying nectar or pollen they only fly 15 -10 miles per hour.

Thursday 6 February 2014


We had a very exciting day on Wednesday, 6th November, where we had a very special guest visit us in the classroom. Linus brought in his pet rabbit 'Fluff'. A lovely, brown fluffy bunny who enjoyed making new friends.

We were able to hold and feed Fluff, it was a great experience.

Children asked a variety of questions about 'Fluff'. His habitat, feeding and routines. 

He enjoyed being the focus, and the attention of the children. 

He jumped and bounced around, showing off his skills to the children. 

We were very excited to hold Fluff. He was a very cuddly fur ball. 

A few of us were lucky enough to feed him- he was such a fast eater. 

Sunday 2 February 2014

Fantastic fours!
We have had a very exciting first day, welcoming new students into the class, and welcoming back the team here at Twyford School. The children within room four have been very busy bees. We have constructed a class treaty, that has established our classroom expectations. We have looked closely at our responsibilities as a room 4 student, such as the vegetable garden and worm farm. We had a lot of fun, watering it and picking a few of the vegetables.

Swimming begins tomorrow, please remember to bring togs and a towel.