Thursday 30 October 2014

Kids 4 kids competition

The children have their kids 4kids competition and show on the 3rd November, 2014. Please have the children ready at school by 8.15am, as the bus leaves at 8.30am. The children have been practising for a few months now and are very excited to present with other schools around Hastings. 
Thank you for your support. 

Room 4's Maui Dolphin Dress up!

Today the children had a 15 minute challenge to construct a Maui Dolphin out of a variety of resources. 
- black rubbish bag
- black paper
- scissors
- and cello tape. 

The task was for children to be able to correctly show the body parts of a Maui Dolphin. Such as the body (black rubbish bag), a dorsal fin, two pectoral fins and a fluke (tail). The children also had to work as a team, one person being the model, and three children designing the outfit. 

Our runway model also hard to present this to the class, in character. 
The children worked very hard to accurately show the body parts. We had a good laugh with where some body parts ended up. 
Check out our photos! 

Ben is modelling a Maui Dolphin, his group have constructed two pectoral fins, and a tail but sadly they had forgotten about their dorsal fin. Some great acting from Ben- he found it very hard to be a dolphin on land. 

Jakob is modelling for his group, he also tried to swim like a dolphin but found it difficult. His group was able to show all body parts, pectoral fins, dorsal fin and a fluke- well done guys! 

Alex is modelling their group outfit. His group faced a few difficulties with the pectoral fins. We also thought the body looked a little bit like a shark- but his acting and modelling gave the children a great laugh- awesome work team! 

Linus presented his teams efforts, showing all body parts. He showed great enthusiasm and character of a Maui Dolphin. We thoroughly enjoyed his dance moves- who knew the dolphins were that talented. 

Jessie's group also correctly showed the correct body parts. Here she is diving into the sea using her pectoral fins to balance her. 

Ask the children to explain to you about the Maui Dolphin body parts. 

Delicious treats from our vegetable garden

The children have been enjoying our vegetable garden produce. We have had a few broccoli and lettuces ready. The children love the broccoli and dip. 
We also have a variety of herbs ready- please do help yourself, they are are there for all to enjoy! 

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Ally has been hard at work!

A big thank you to both Ally and Sharlene who have been very busy creating our girls skirts for the room 4 production item. Ally spent most of her time in the holidays in front of the sewing machine. She is very talented! You wil be able to see these magnificent skirts on our 'big' night! Thank you once again Ally! We really do appreciate it! :) 

Sunday 12 October 2014

Our Homework Pancake Suprise

What an exciting end of term Suprise! All children worked hard to make their pancakes. Thank you so very much to the parents who helped make this day a huge success. With out your help this day would have not been possible. Thank you! 

Goodbye to Mr Mcleod

Sadly we are saying goodbye to Mr Mcleod. We are very thankful for his efforts. To show us all his appreciation of the school and students he spoilt us with a delicious piece of chocolate cake and a bouncy castle. We had a lot of fun! All children had a go. We will truly miss you Mr Mcleod! We had a great assembly to show how much we will miss you! Good luck at your next school! 

Our Special Guests

We have had some very exciting guests come to our school. Thank you to Tony and Brendon from the Hawkes Bay Magpies! We were very excited to see and hear their knowledge and understanding of the sport. The children were extremely excited to meet them, as many see them as role models, and idols. Well done on their performance this year, Twyford School is proud and in full support of the Magpies!