Monday 24 March 2014

Outta Space Disco

This Thursday the 27th March Room 6 and 7 are having a disco to fundraise for their camp. The Room 4 children are included in the senior time slot of 6.45-8.00pm. Can't wait to see the children all dressed up in outta space costumes. Bring your dance shoes and a positive attitude to move the night away!! 

Sunday 23 March 2014

Stony Creek Camp 2014

What a fantastic time Room 4 and 5 have had on camp. We have participated in rock climbing, shooting, archery, motor biking, low ropes, flying fox, boat race, survivor day and many more activities. We have been super busy, thanks to the Stony Creek staff filling up our timetable. 

A BIG thank you to the parents that have helped with camp, the camp parents, drivers and those parents that helped by coming daily to support our children. 

The students have had a ball and enjoyed every minute of camp. 

I would appreciate those parents that came to share their photos with room 4, the children would love to see them, feel free to drop them in on a pen stick if you would like to. 

Check out our photos! 

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Stony Creek Camp 2014

Room 4 and 5 (years 4- 6)
We are very excited for our camp, we have been discussing ideas and prepping ourselves for the experience. We depart school tomorrow , Wednesday 19th March at 9.30am and are back on Friday 21st March at 2.30pm. If you wish to pop out and visit you are more than welcome. As we have only catered for the children and adults attending camp for meals, can you please bring a packed lunch. Feel free to join in on the activities and the happenings on camp. 

Creepy Crawlers in Class

We have been able to view a variety of insects.
Ella. K, brought in from home a few paper wasp nests and dead paper wasps for us to look at. This was very interesting, this children were able to identify the three different body parts (head, thorax and abodomen), transparent wings and compared the different sizes of the wasps, big small or little. We were trying to identify the queen wasp. 

As wasp hives are very different to honey bee hives we were intrigued as to how a wasp could fit into the small openings. 

Kohen brought in his bug collection, where we looked at insects from all over the world, beetles, scorpions, walking sticks and many more. It was amazing seeing the different features on the bugs, legs and wings all very different to another, very unique. 

Room 4's Vegetable Garden

Room 4 has planted a herb garden. We have planted a variety of herbs such as, mint, parsley, sage, oregano and many more. The herbs we have selected to plant are ones that attract bees. As many bees are now in danger from pesticides, varroa mite, and the moth. We have decided to help them by planting an organic garden, spray free, where they can visit.  

We monitor this daily with watering, and regularly putting worm wee on (this a natural feeder for the plants). 

Arataki Honey Visit

Room 4 visited the Arataki Honey Centre in Havelock, Monday 10 March, 2014. We have been learning about bees and how they help our community but also the environment. Children had the opportunity of viewing the hives and the bees at work. We were able to pick out the queen bee as she had a white dot on her back. Each hive had hundreds of bees, all with important roles to help maintain and keep it alive, we saw this in action. 

The children also were able to make a candle out of honey wax, they smelt delicious! If only we were allowed to eat them. 

We were able to view a kiwi fruit orchard owned by the Crazbons. We found out how important the honey bees were to their production. 
Fact: A bee has to pollinate a kiwifruit flower 40 times to be able to produce one fruit. 

This is incredible work that the bees are doing. 
These wonderful creatures are doing amazing things to help with our environment, humble work. 

Monday 17 March 2014

Worm Farm

We have re-established our worm farm. Thank you to Sarah from the Enviornment Centre who helped us get this back up and running. We have moved the location of our worm farm to behind the recycling shed, as this is cooler for the worms. We were able to see and help with the new set up, new worms and foundation. We are feeding our worm farm fruit, and natural vegetables.

The children understand what types of fruit can be put in, as the worms can not have citirus fruits, also they can only have un- sprayed vegetable scraps.

Feel free to drop in and feed the worms, please cut them up as small as. Possible to help the worms. The first layer, is where the worms are at the moment. Come and see!

Saturday 1 March 2014

Swimming sports this Tuesday 11th March, 2014

We have been working very hard in Room 4 to develop our strokes, style and fitness. We working at different levels, but have set individual goals we wish to achieve. It is great to see the students confidence in the water continuing to develop, and strengthen.

We are looking forward to the swimming sports this Tuesday. We are all hoping to compete in an event. These are held at the Frimley Pools. Parents, family, and whanau are more than welcome to come and watch, we would love to see you there.
Friendly visit from the teeny, tiny, little pukeko's
Jessie's Mum brought in 2 little Pukeko's for us to meet. They had been rescued. They had been caring and providing for these beautiful little creatures.

We were lucky enough to see them walk and talk. We also had a quick hold. It was amazing to see the long slender legs that they would grow into.

The children worked on being as quite as a mouse, as to not scare them. They were VERY good at this.

We watched closely their feeding time, they were very hungry, and ate directly off the spoon. Some of us were brave and let them eat of our fingers.

Thank you so very much for bringing these amazing little creatures in. We were all very surprised to see how little they were, we had to be very delicate. 
Picnic Evening,
11th February, 2014

We had a very successful night, with fun and games. Wonderful night meeting parents, and whanau. Thank you for visiting our Room 4 community, home place.