Tuesday 18 March 2014

Creepy Crawlers in Class

We have been able to view a variety of insects.
Ella. K, brought in from home a few paper wasp nests and dead paper wasps for us to look at. This was very interesting, this children were able to identify the three different body parts (head, thorax and abodomen), transparent wings and compared the different sizes of the wasps, big small or little. We were trying to identify the queen wasp. 

As wasp hives are very different to honey bee hives we were intrigued as to how a wasp could fit into the small openings. 

Kohen brought in his bug collection, where we looked at insects from all over the world, beetles, scorpions, walking sticks and many more. It was amazing seeing the different features on the bugs, legs and wings all very different to another, very unique. 


  1. Ahhh!!!!! Creepy crawlies!!!!
    Stewart A

  2. Wow some of them are very pretty!!
    Naomi L-J
